DREADDs vs OPTO: does it matter to the neuron?

I get this question a lot and certainly there are a number of distinctions one can make with regard to these two technologies (Table 1). TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF CHEMO- AND OPTOGENETIC PLATFORMS IDEAL CRITERIA OPTOGENETIC CHEMOGENETIC Non-invasive No: Inherently invasive Yes: chemical actuators may be administered via drinking water Does not require specialized equipment No: Multi-channel programmable light source optic fibers, implantable light source. Yes: routine laboratory equipment; chemical actuators commercially available Capable of multiplexing Yes: remarkable spectral diversity Yes : at least theoretically Neuronal subdomain-specific modulation Yes/ No: via excitation of opsins in axonal fibers; back-propagating action potentials reported. Yes : via local injections and subdomain specific targeti...